The New Moon Awakens

1. Exploring Our Divine Connection to Gaia Consciousness

Reconnect and restore – by understanding and connecting with the natural flow of the seasons and cycles of the earth and the moon – we can learn how to naturally balance and harmonise our daily lives on a physical, emotional and spiritual level throughout the months and seasons of the year as we journey from menarche to post menopause.

2. Let go of Body Image and Create Body Awareness – from the inside out

Our emotions and thoughts have a profound effect on our physical body. Discover how unexpressed emotions can be stored within the energy of the major organs, breasts and pelvic area, thus creating unharmonious physical and emotional symptoms.

3. Biospirals Qigong Sequence for Women’s Health

Softly move and release- Biospirals Qigong uses gentle, repetitive spiralling movements to release physical and emotional tension stored in the organs and soft connective tissues, thus allowing the body mind and spirit to enter a place of acceptance, relaxation and harmony.

4. Women’s New Moon Moving Meditation

A gentle moving meditation that aligns to the unique feminine energy body, to softly release stored physical and emotional tension in the body, mind and spirit.
A time to release the old and create meaningful new beginnings.

Learn gentle and natural methods to help access the deep inner wisdom of the body – to balance the mind and body, stabilise emotional fluctuations, release stress and create positive thought patterns.

5. Toning and Sound Healing

Specific and powerful tones that resonate in the womb space and heart centre.

Not only does toning create an opening, healing vibration through the body it helps us to ‘find the feeling’, it’s that ‘feeling’ that allows us to align ourselves with the earthly and universal energies.
You can find out about the wonderful healing benefits of toning by reading my detailed post here.

6. Tranquil Sitting –
Meditation, Breathing and Self-Healing Techniques

The path to transformational inner-healing and well-being.

Through gentle seated, meditative and breath work practices we can learn to sense the energy/Qi of our own body which will help us in our observations, not only during our seated practice but throughout our daily lives

The breath contains universal life force and connects the body, the mind, the spirit and the all (unified field) helping us to inwardly transform and observe the changes within.

We can learn to use this Universal Qi for our own self-healing and well-being.

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